Guided Tour of Locws International Art Across The City 2011
Laura Ford’s work, ‘Little Bird’, now fixed from vandalism, was seen in its full glory and conjured up more ideas within the group. Danica said, “Because we are in Swansea, is that why it has a beak after the swan?” Georgia “Is it a boy dressed up to perform in a theatre, as the Dylan Thomas theatre is near by”. Seren wanted to produce this sculpture with a real child not dressed up. Using the camera as a tool we started to photograph her during the tour, her work is to be called, ‘ looking lost’.
On our walk through the city, whilst looking at the architecture, we were lucky enough to catch some short Art House films, on the screen in Castle Gardens. We also looked at various contrasting aspects of the city which set us up for Maider Lopez’, ‘Trees’. The children enjoyed the natural aspect of this sculpture and willow was mentioned as a material we could use in a school situation.
The group made some great drawings of Alex Duncan’s work and Francis thought that they looked Prehistoric, while Danica thought that they looked like giant chunks of gold.
Rhys’ work ‘Industrial Revolution’, conjured up some good comments and ideas Francis said it was like a chain reaction and Danica wanted to create a slide show using text.
Everyone enjoyed Simon and Tom Bloors’, work and the general consent was that it reminded them of the Hollywood sign and many were keen to make a mini version at school.
David Marchant 2011