Guided Tour of Locws International Art Across The City 2011
It’s difficult to perceive how various children are going to respond to contemporary artworks or whether or not the work will inspire them, however with enthusiastic teachers on board its always a bonus.
We were of to a good start viewing Laura Fords’ “Little Bird” as most of the children seemed inspired by the sculpture and created some great drawings to match. Jake instantly thought it was a bird/kid and wanted to make one from Paper Mache. Beth thought that it looked very dark and thought it was about the War. A great idea arose due to the fact that “Little Bird” had been vandalised and had no feet so due to sympathy the class were going to make some feet for it as a project-“Little bird” with interchangeable feet.
‘Are they giant potatoes or lumps of cheese?’ asked Corey about Alex Duncan’s “Holocene”. Beth particularly liked the scale of the work and saw primitive faces within the sculptures. Joanne enjoyed drawing them.
Daniel became immersed within Rhys Himsworth’s work and obviously found it intriguing. Beth also had a great idea from “Industrial Revolution” which was to recreate it from fairy lights.
The Large colourfulness of Simon and Tom Bloor’s work reminded most of the class of the Hollywood sign and they would like a slogan in this style for outside their school. Keith Collins (teacher) thought that the Historical value of the work for people was immense because of the use of primary material.
David Marchant 2010