Guided Tour of Locws Projects 2010/2
As we stood outside the Dylan Thomas Centre in glorious sunshine, I introduced the project and the ethos behind Locws. I spoke about how the commissioned artists responded to Swansea as a place of inspiration and Jack and James made a very observant comment straight away by pointing out a bird’s nest intertwined within the Swansea crest sign on the Centre itself, which could become the basis of an artwork.
“An Ugly Lovely Town” said their teacher Sian, who was also inspired by the nature of the centre itself.
When we saw Tine Bech’s creation in the dock, Jake thought it was to represent a flower in the water and Sophie thought it looked like a star. Abu said, “to me it shows how Swansea is a multi-cultural city, I have lived here for some time and realise its friendlier than other places. The colours represent multiple cultures.”
Connor was inspired by the shape of the icehouse and thought it looked like a cannon he also thought that the Marina looked like a battlefield.
Sophie and Jay thought that Rebecca’s work was very calm and relaxing however Hussein said that the projectors’ noise counteracted this. Ryan loved the idea of projecting a film onto a painting or drawing and made notes about how he could do his own version. Carla wanted to make a film about her dog playing in the park and project it onto herself.
Simon Whitehead’s ‘Walking Between Craters’, also created a lot of interest in the group and a general thought was that it would be a great idea to do in their school and look into the history of how their school had changed over the years by asking their parents what it was like when they went there.
Jackie Chettur’s work also captured the children’s interest, as the children were eager to see through each view finder, each one telling its short story. “Wow look at this there’s a ship on fire and it looks 3D” said Kyle.
All of the children and the teachers enjoyed the day immensely and are all looking forward to my school follow up visits.
David Marchant 2010