Guided Tour of Locws Projects 2010/2
Once the children started to understand the concept of contemporary art, their ideas became a lot more imaginative. They became inspired by Tine Bech’s installation.
Cameron thought that this work could be reproduced by using balloons, which could be suspended across the Hall area of their school. This could make a very colourful installation.
When we visited Rebecca Spooner’s work we were fortunate enough for her to be there and she was able to chat to the children about her work. Ryan noticed that the films looped and Catlin was intrigued by the set up. The children listened carefully to my commentary and absorbed what I had to say.
The map and documentary of Simon Whitehead’s work had loads of potential in the St.Thomas area and the teacher thought if I were to start the ball rolling, via Locws Schools, it would tie into a later literacy project further on in the year. This would be very exciting and interesting to see the sustainability in this area of work. Tom thought we could draw a map of a local walk in the St.Thomas area.
We finished on a great note as Shaheim said, “Everything I’ve seen today has inspired me to do something a bit different in art”.
David Marchant 2010