Locws Schools 2011 : Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Gellionnen

Guided Tour of Locws International Projects 2011: Art Across The City
We arrived at Cwmdonkin Park and viewed Mark Folds’ “Dylan’s Pencil” as the group were intrigued by how the charcoal tip had been achieved. This initiated discussion about ideas of what sort of work we could make with charcoal in the classroom. Taking the classes thought process and expanding the initial concept, the group became inspired by how it would be good if a giant sketchbook could be lowered onto the 30foot trunk and moved so that marks could appear from the upright pencil. We then started playing around with this concept by using our own pencils and sketchbooks to form mini sculptures in the park on site. This approach was inspiring and a fun way to start the children thinking differently.

We then met in the National Waterfront Museum to view the next installation by Helen Edling, “Sjung Sjöng Sjungit” & “Hemhörigheter”.
Martha asked, “Are the cages to catch or set the birds free?” India asked, “Are the birds trying to save the painting?” and Sian said, “The birds have been trained to steal the painting”.
Llinos seemed to tie it up by asking “Are the birds doing payback and stealing the miners?”.
We then popped into the mission gallery where we viewed Alex Duncan’s work and once again were intrigued by the process involved which was definitely inspiring for teachers and children alike.
S Mark Gubb’s, “Ambition Is Critical”, seemed to perplex the children although they really liked the designs and colour used in the works. As a Welsh school they felt inspired to work with Welsh Text within their project.
David Marchant 2011