[lang_en]Learning to fly over Swansea
St. Mary’s Church
Rhona Byrne spent time navigating the air above Swansea in a series of flying lessons. In her moving and evocative film she documented this altered perspective on reality.
Learning how to fly over a city that she explored as an artist, Rhona considered ideas of belief and the existential interactions with spaces we experience.
The film projected in St. Mary’s, Swansea’s largest and most central church, engaged us in a meditative experience of place as well as a fascinating visual depiction of a changing city.
About St. Mary’s Church
Additional sponsorship for this project was given by
Horizon Aviation Ltd., Swansea Airport, Fairwood Common, Swansea SA2 7JU. Tel: 01792 296600[/lang_en]
Learning to fly over Swansea
Eglwys y Santes Fair
Mae Rhona Byrne wedi bod yn treulio amser uwchben Abertawe mewn cyfres o wersi hedfan. Yn ei ffilm emosiynol ac atgofus, mae’n dogfennu’r persbectif diwygiedig hwn ar realaeth.
Wrth ddysgu sut i hedfan dros ddinas sy’n cael sylw ganddi fel artist, mae Rhona’n ystyried syniadau’n ymwneud â chred a’r rhyngweithio dirfodol gyda’r mannau agored o’n cwmpas.
Dangosir y ffilm yn Eglwys y Santes Fair, sef eglwys fwyaf Abertawe a’r un fwyaf canolog. Mae’n ein gwefreiddio mewn lleoliad myfyriol yn ogystal â phortreadu dinas sy’n cael ei gweddnewid.
Horizon Aviation Ltd., Swansea Airport, Fairwood Common, Swansea SA2 7JU. Tel: 01792 296600