Locws Schools 2010: St Thomas Primary School

Artworks inspired by Locws Projects 2010/2
It was a pleasure to see such an enthusiastic class and teacher. The Children were well organized for my visit and had understood the concept of Locws. After discussion the class were split into four groups to make their concepts. All the concepts were well worked out with lots of thought put in by all team members.
An installation of a spiders web was set up in the classroom, just as Tine Becks work inspired this idea as it collected debris from the river. The children’s installation made from string had an added addition of a spider made from colourful balloons, which looked fantastic.
A film was created with unusual characters and was set in front of collage backgrounds, as mini stage sets, inspired by Rebecca Spooner’s work.
Tine Beck also inspired another group which made a framework and within the frame was a pattern of colourful plastic balls suspended by string. We discussed the potential of these ideas in other parts of the school.
An unusual lego town was made from the classrooms view of Swansea and then deconstructed as though it had been bombed – What a great medium with great potential. (The colourful nature of the model inspired by Tine Beck and the concept by Simon Whithead).
This class really embraced the idea of Locws, making everything site specific and utilizing their surroundings.

David Marchant 2010