Rebecca Spooner

‘The birds the grass the trees the lake’
Dylan Thomas Centre
Rebecca Spooner has explored Cwmdonkin Park and the inspiration it gave to the poetry of Dylan Thomas. The artist has responded to the park’s rich wildlife and created a film-based installation that explores the impact our urban parks can have upon us, both in giving us the opportunity to be connected to nature and in turn with ourselves.
Set amongst selected visual art from the collection of the Dylan Thomas Centre.


‘The birds the grass the trees the lake’
Dylan Thomas Centre
Mae Rebecca Spooner wedi archwilio Parc Cwmdonkin a’r ysbrydoliaeth a roddodd y parc hwn i farddoniaeth Dylan Thomas. Mae’r artist wedi ymateb i fywyd gwyllt cyfoethog y parc ac wedi creu ffilm sy’n archwilio effaith ein parciau dinesig arnom, wrth roi cyfle i ni gysylltu â natur ac oherwydd hynny, gyda ni ein hunain.
Wedi’i osod ymysg celf weledol y casgliad yng Nghanolfan Dylan Thomas.
