Locws Schools 2010: Glais Primary School

Artworks inspired by Locws Projects 2010/1:
‘…it is 89 days this morning since we left the Mumbles Head’ by Jackie Chettur

Swansea’s Civic Centre
It was a pleasure to work with the children at Glais Primary School and it was obvious that they had given the project a lot of thought. On my arrival there were some great ideas and concepts ready to put into practice.
One group of girls had even drawn out a beautiful A2 picture of a ship at sea in their own a stylised way in their own personal time and had brought it into school to show myself and the class teacher.
The ideas spanned from manually moving maquettes of ships and dolphins, to animated clay models of ships on a journey to the Cape mixed with inspiration from the film Moby Dick.
The two and three dimensional mix was poignant in the work which was strongly inspired by Jackie Chettur’s installation.
David Marchant 2010