30th April – 23rd May
Jackie Chettur: ‘…it is 89 days this morning since we left the Mumbles Head’
For Spring 2010, Locws International has commissioned a temporary new artwork for Swansea’s Civic Centre by Wales-based artist Jackie Chettur.
Inspired by the maritime history of Swansea, Jackie Chettur has researched elements of the journeys of Swansea’s ‘Cape Horners’ to create a visual installation on the seaward side of the Civic Centre.
Locws Projects is designed as part of the Locws International programme to work with artists to produce vibrant new artworks which are conceived and exhibited in Swansea, and respond to the people, culture, heritage and landscape of the city.
Venue: Civic Centre, Swansea
Viewable 10am – 5pm
Click here to download your free brochure: Locws Projects 2010/1 Brochure
30 Ebrill – 23 Mai
Jackie Chettur: ‘…it is 89 days this morning since we left the Mumbles Head’
Ar gyfer gwanwyn 2010, mae Locws Rhyngwladol wedi comisiynu celfwaith newydd dros dro ar gyfer Canolfan Ddinesig Abertawe gan yr artist o Gymru Jackie Chettur.
Wedi’i hysbrydoli gan hanes morol Abertawe, mae Jackie Chettur wedi ymchwilio i elfennau o deithiau ‘Morwyr yr Horn’ o Abertawe i greu gosodiad gweledol ar ochr forol y Ganolfan Ddinesig.
Mae Prosiectau Locws wedi’u dylunio fel rhan o raglen Locws Rhyngwladol i weithio gydag artistiaid i greu gweithiau celf bywiog newydd wedi’u llunio a’u harddangos yn Abertawe, ac yn ymateb i bobl, diwylliant, a thirwedd y ddinas.
Venue: Canolfan Ddinesig, Abertawe
I’w gweld 10am – 5pm