Guided Tour
We gazed at the beautiful colourful glass panels created by Birmingham and Robinson and the children instantly engaged with the artwork with suggestions of what a colourful transformation of what would otherwise be boring windows.
Colour and shape was the flavour of the morning.
We were very lucky to be greeted by a friendly Locws Live Guide who issued us with leaflets and arranged security guards Frank and Brian to give us a talk about the Brangwyn Panels and a tour of some of the Guildhall’s hidden treasures. The children were very impressed. Josh couldn’t believe that the paintings were priceless.
The situation seemed to be very calming and the children focused on drawing parts of the artworks, which inspired them.
David Marchant 2009
Drawing ideas based on Bermingham and Robinson’s new artwork on the windows of Swansea’s Brangwyn Hall
Looking at ‘The British Empire Panels’ inside Swansea’s Brangwyn Hall
It was great to see the enthusiasm in the class when I arrived as the children were playing around with pixelated images on their computers.
Sophie, Katie and Sarah wanted to make a book on their Locws experience, taking abstractions from the artworks seen during the tour.
Josh, Corey and Jay decided to take a piece from Frank Brangwyn’s panels, in this case fruit, and create their own abstract fruit bowl using flat colour.
Chelsea and Ashley were interested in the illumination of colour and decided to make a prototype of a panel each, to be displayed in the window of the classroom.
Vicky was inspired by the windows and made her own panel from a variety of materials.
David Marchant 2009