April 15, 2007August 21, 2012Film, Heritage, Intervention, News Milena Dopitova [lang_en]Everything returns because it loses its way Vojta We still do not know where will be the last cemetery Swansea Museum Milena […]
April 14, 2007August 21, 2012Audio, Film, Heritage, Installation, Intervention, News, Performance, Photography, Sculpture Locws International 2007 [lang_en] 14th April – 13th May 2007 Rhona Byrne Milena Dopitova Carwyn Evans Rebecca Gould Torsten Lauschmann Niamh McCann Sara Rees Helen […]
April 14, 2007August 21, 2012News Milena Dopitova Milena Dopitova was born in Sternberk, Czech Republic and lives and works in Prague, Czech Republic Milena Dopitova is one of the […]