Pupils from YGG Pontybrenin year 5/6 undertook a tour on 23/05/16 of the latest Locws International Art Across the City exhibit, RESISTANCE, the exciting commission by Rich White as part of the LOCWS Schools project during the Summer term 2016.
The year 5/6 class arrived at the museum to see Rich White’s art work ‘Resistance’ and were asked, ‘What does it remind you of ?’
“Is this the outside of a house and this the inside”, said Chelsea as she explored the very different sides of the sculpture.
“It reminds me of World war 11”, said Holly.
“Yes, like a blown up house”, exclaimed Maisha.
Oliver was intrigued and said, “It’s like somebody is moving house and don’t have room to store everything”.
“ Never judge a book by its cover ”, said Abbie.
The pupils were intrigued by the greyness of the piece with Niamh saying, “ It’s got no sentimental value”.
The children all had different opinions of the piece and it will be interesting to see what ideas the class come up with for their art piece back at school.
“The artist is trying to say that anything can be art”, said Josh
Children from YGG Pontybrenin Primary then attended a two day workshop with our ‘Artist in Residence’ Dave Marchant. The workshop saw the children create an incredible interpretive sculptural piece.
Feedback from YGG Pontybrenin: ‘Following our visit to the National Waterfront Museum, where we were inspired by Rich White’s work, as a class we decided to re-vamp an item of furniture for the classroom.’
‘The theme inspired by a passage way through time encouraged the children to look at the past and present. They decided to use an old book shelf from the classroom and make a collage on it. They chose different topics for each section of the shelves. On the fascia the children decided to represent the passage of time through doorways. Wooden cut-outs were made of doorways and clocks and added to the unit, giving it a different dimension.’
‘Doing work with Dave was so much fun and we learnt so much about how the past and present can be represented. I loved doing the fashion because I love looking at what some people like and what used to be fashionable years ago.’
‘I think the shelf will look fantastic and wish I could take it home!’ – Abbie
‘Mae’r profiad wedi bod yn rhagorol! Diolch Dave, ti’n ‘rad’.’ – Osian
‘I had so much fun working on the school section because I love seeing what other schools look like around the world today and what they looked like in the past. Dave helped us loads and I can’t wait to do art in Gwyr. I think I want to be an artist after spending time with Dave.’ – Niamh
‘Cefais i gymaint o hwyl yn gweithio gyda Dave! Mae’r silff llyfrau yn edrych yn wych! Roedd pawb wedi cydweithio i wneud rhywbeth ffantastig!.’ – Lydia
‘Diolch yn fawr Dave! Rwy wedi dysgu llwyth am gelf ac rwy’n gobeithio byddai gallu gweithio gyda chi eto.’ – Tomos
‘Thank you Dave, it’s been soooo much fun! I’ve loved working with you and I hope I’ll get to work with you again.’ – Tammy
‘Diolch am ddysgu ni yr holl bethau newydd Dave.’ – Ella
‘You have taught us new things Dave and you’ve inspired us to make something amazing out of an old piece of furniture. Thank you!’ – Ollie
‘Thank you for helping us create this masterpiece. It took a long time but it was soooo worth it. Come and visit again soon!’ – Manon
‘Diolch am helpu ni wneud silff llyfrau arbennig. Roedd e wedi cymryd llawer o amser ac ymdrech ond roedd e’n werth e! Mae’r ilff yn wych!’ – Evie
‘Diolch am dreulio dy amser yn helpu ni greu silff llyfrau diddorol ac am fod yn rad!’ – Joshua
‘Diolch am ddod i’r ysgol i ddysgu ni sut I greu darn o gelf allan o hen silff ddiflas.’ – Jack
‘Thank you for inspiring us to make a masterpiece.’ – Ioan
‘I’ve really enjoyed having Dave in our class. He’s taught us loads!’ – Elis
‘Mae Dave yn rad ac rwy’n caru’r silff!’ – Sam
‘Dave you’ve inspired me to make an amazing bookshelf for the class and I’m going to make one at home with my family. Thank you, you’re the best!’ – Alex
‘Diolch Dave, rwyt ti wedi ysbrydoli fi i wneud celf gyda fy nheulu ac wedi dysgu fi llawer.’ – Jesse