Locws Symposium 2009: Locws in Context

[lang_en] Monday 27 April 2009, 1.00 – 4.30pm, Swansea Metropolitan University, De La Beche Road, Swansea

Hear about how the current Art Across the City project was put together by organisers David Hastie and Grace Davies and learn about the ideas and processes behind their individual projects from participating artists Neville Gabie and Paul Granjon

The event is free to attend and all are welcome. For more details please telephone 01792 468979


Dydd Llun 27 Ebrill

Symposiwn: Locws yn ei Gyd-destun 1pm, Canolfan Celf a Dylunio Dinefwr, Stryd de la Beche, am ddim, yn agored i bawb
