Locws Public Art Open Submission Shortlist announced

Locws International are extremely pleased to announce the shortlist for our 2nd Public Art Open Submission.

Locws received a large number of  local, national and international applications from artists and architects based in the UK, Portugal, Australia, USA, Spain, Germany, China, Sweden and Wales. The standard was extremely high with a wide and diverse range of exciting proposals.

The eclectic shortlist contains artists working with high jumping cars; medieval performances and sound works and phone box discos. Project Manager Gordon Dalton said ‘We were very impressed by the wide range of  submitted proposals, who all approached the public realm in Swansea in inventive ways.’

The ten shortlisted artists are:

We are very excited by the shortlisted proposals and thank all of the artists and architects for the time and effort in submitting their work. We will now commence the selection process with artist Bob & Roberta Smith and artist/gallerist, Jane Simpson. We aim to make an announcement by the end of next week, with two commissions announced. Depending on the proposal developed with the artists, these will occur in 2015, possibly during Art Across The City April 21st – June 1st, or later in the year.

The 2013 Open Submission led to commissions by Jeremy Millar and Lisa Scantlebury.


Jeremy Millar Am I Glad To Be Here! Guildhall Rotunda, Art Across the City 2014

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